Monday, June 10, 2013

Jumpstart the Week

Good morning everyone!

It is Monday, and this weekend I had a really good time with family and friends. Saturday, I had a small gathering - I cooked, both good and bad foods. We had burgers (turkey and beef), hot dogs (for my niece of course), grilled chicken, chicken/vegetable kabobs, mac salad, and garden salad. It was nice, but I ate too much. So, when I know I had a hefty weekend, I tend to jumpstart my week with a 3 day smoothie detox.

The detox includes me drinking 2 smoothies a day for three days. I tend to do it for breakfast and dinner. My lunch has to be a healthy meal. This is something you can do to jumpstart your healthy living lifestyle, but it should not be something you do for a long term. It is good to clean your system out, and smoothies are great. As I have mentioned before, I am working on an e-book on smoothies, and this is just a snippet of what it discusses.

When you want to do a detox, you will need the following ingredients:
  • spinach - full of fiber
  • fresh fruit
  • whey protein powder
  • psyllium husk - digestive system, fiber
So, in the future when you know you will have a heavy weekend, plan to do a detox the following week for 2-3 days, and stick to it. You want to get the digestive system jumpstarted, and this is a great way to do so.

Also, remember drink a lot of water. You do not want to get constipated especially with all the fiber you will take in. Hope this helps others as it always helps me.
TW aka Plus Size Health Nut


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