Tuesday, June 4, 2013

QUESTION OF THE DAY: What is Success Weight?

So, after losing almost 70 pounds (to date), I was put into a unique situation - people were coming to me for advise on how to lose weight. But, during my various conversations, I realized I was not focusing on losing weight, but how to be healthy in my living decisions. People wanted my advice and support as they went through the journey, and the idea to start my own program blossomed quickly!

First, it started off as a Healthy Living Challenge at my job with the students. I had several students who were interested in gaining control of their lives, and saw me as I was transitioning; therefore, it worked together. I needed the constant motivation, and they needed guidance on how to live healthier. Once, this became a success, I thought to myself, "Could I do this on a larger scale?" The idea rapidly and quickly turned into one answer - YES!

So March 2013, I developed Success Weight; a healthy living program with the goal of assisting busy individuals as they seek to explore a healthy living journey. This program's main focus is to mentally prepare  clients for this new journey. It is not a weight loss program because it is designed to help you revamp your life, so after you lose the necessary weight you desire, you will know how to continue to maintain that weight loss. Assisting them in reprogramming their mindset as it relates to food and exercise. As members restructure their mindset, they begin to learn how to adjust their daily routines into a healthy one.

The program had it's meeting in May 2013, in Brooklyn, NY. That first meeting there were 4 individuals dedicated to changing their lives. They were tired of losing weight the wrong ways. They no longer wanted to take medication for various illnesses. They decided it was time to take control of their lives, so they could live longer and healthier lifestyles.

Success Weight is not for people seeking to lose weight for a specific event (wedding, reunion, graduation, dates, etc.) because once those events occur, most people revert back to their lifestyle. Success Weight is looking to help people look beyond those events, and just seek a life of healthy and happiness.
How can you join or learn more about Success Weight? Easy! Email Tanisha, Founder at successweight.owner@gmail.com to get additional information. By June/July 2013, Success Weight will be expanding to an online program to help and support individuals are able to attend meetings due to the schedule conflicts or location (outside of the NYC area). If you are interested in adopting the program for your local church or institution, this option is also available.

Success Weight seeks to help individuals find easy ways to adjust their lives to live a happy and healthy life - FOREVER! Visit www.successweight.com

We live by one motto:

TW aka Plus Size Health Nut

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