Ladies and gentlemen... I am excited! Today, rather tonight I will be a guest on an Internet Radio show to discuss my success, my blog, and my company, Success Weight. I am truly honored to discuss my healthy lifestyle with anyone, and honored that The Lone Blogger would like to speak with me.
When I started this process, I never anticipated on being as successful as I have gotten. It is difficult on many levels, but as I continue to go through the process, I realize how blessed and even proud of myself. Many times I do not give myself enough credit for the fact that I have faced my biggest and longest challenge ever. I used to dwell on why I didn't lose a certain number in a month or why I didn't get to the next size jeans quick enough. Dwelling on what you have not done yet is living an unhealthy life because you are not giving yourself the credit of what you have accomplished tonight - it just really hit me.
Now, as I reflect and prepare for this interview, I am nervous. I want to say the right thing, but the end result is, I want to share my story to continue inspiring someone else. Loving others is very critical, but helping someone to love themselves brings greater joy. Since I started my career in education, I've realized just how many people's lives I've impacted. Now, I am impacting and inspiring so many more lives - a bitter sweet feeling. Nothing gives me more joy.
To listen to me tonight, June 7, at 6:30pm you can click here ---> The Lone Blogger Online Radio.
TW aka Plus Size Health Nut
Visit Success Weight -
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