Thursday, May 16, 2013


So, I always have people asking me random questions, and I feel it is best to answer them here with you all.

The question that was presented to me was, did you consider gastric bypass surgery? The answer is YES! Two times I have gone to well-known surgeons in NYC to entertain the idea of gastric bypass surgery because I felt it was my very last resort. Both times I really did not try anything or put my all into trying to lose the weight, but I knew I did not want to be big anymore.

The first time I went I sat and listened to all the options they had for me. I was looking into the LapBand surgery because I did not think I could tolerate the full gastric bypass. The doctor was very supportive, informative, and provided real information - benefits and risks. So, as he took my medical history he indicated from that day that my insurance may possibly deny it because although my BMI (body mass index) classified me as being morbidly obese, I was technically healthy - no diabetes, high blood pressure, nothing!

When I left his office, he gave me all the options and the details for me to follow over the course of the next couple of weeks/months in the event I was in fact denied. The surgeon submitted all the documentation, and guess what? I was denied! This made me frustrated because it seemed to me that the health insurance company was against me and my goal and desire of being healthy. I went back to my primary doctor, and we followed the guidelines presented by the surgeon over the course of a year.

I got frustrated and did not follow the surgeon's guidelines and just gave up. After the first time, I went back a few years later - the same surgeon. This time, I did what he asked me to do previously, and felt I was going to get approved. I had blood work done, and it showed I had some cholesterol issues; therefore, I knew in heart it was going to get approved. This time the surgeon suggested a modified option of the gastric bypass which is called the sleeve gastrectomy. This option seemed a lot better for me because I did not like the reviews I read about the LapBand, and felt the sleeve was a better option.

Again, the surgery was denied. Boy, this was frustrating!!! I realized finally and just came to accept the fact that regardless of what others were doing that maybe I was not meant to have these surgeries, and God was trying to stop me from making a mistake. Regardless of my frustration, I felt there was a need to just get it done and over with. I knew people who had it done, and some looked great, but some looked a little ---- creepy. They lost the weight too fast that it did not look right on them.

My family did not want me to get the surgery because they heard of so many negative reactions and side effects. I just wanted the weight off, and wanted it off immediately. I never liked to see slow progression, I only wanted quick and fast solutions, but I never realized just how unsafe this surgery could be on me and my life. I have a few friends who have had some form of gastric bypass, and one indicated it was a big mistake. He never changed his mindset about food; therefore, it did not benefit him because although he was slim and smaller than before, he was still a fat kid deep inside. Listening and seeing him in action was unbelievable, and made me realize I could not live my life like that - it was too unhealthy. I really was upset because I felt I had no more options.

Now as I look back on these two attempts, I am happy they did not go through. I had to realize the weight did not come on overnight, and it will not come off overnight; therefore, I had to do my part to ensure I was going to be healthy. Yes, it took me a long time to get it together, but now I see the benefits of my decisions, and know I am not doing it the right way and for the right reasons. I do not have to worry about putting my life in danger by going under the knife. If I am already healthy, then I need to do everything in my power to ensure I remain healthy because this is what I need to live longer.

So, my advise to people looking to get the weight loss surgery, please take the time to realize there is a lot that goes into this surgery, and you could put yourself into a dangerous situation if you do not change your lifestyle. The surgery is meant to help you get to a healthier you, but you have to program your mind to think the very same way. Nobody wants to be overweight, but the reality is until you realize surgery and/or diets will not resolve your issue, then you will constantly fight this battle.

I wish you all the best of luck in your decisions!

TW aka Plus Size Health Nut

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